Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just wanna be mebefree!

I am what I'd be,
It is so being me,
I hear and I see,
Whatever it would be,
I don't get hasty,
Just let it come to me,
Ideals are just dreamy,
It don't come easy,
When music surrounds me,
It gives me my sanity,
I don't get me lonely,
I may get kinky,
Possibly going crazy,
At times I might be funny,
Or maybe a little cheeky,
Some say it's touchy feely,
Nothing is about being silly,
If words are placed wrongly.
No need to say you're sorry,
I'm just trying to be friendly,
These things can get wily,
I may be running on empty,
There are time it's sunny,
Could be icy cold and windy,
Clouds brewing getting stormy,
I may brood over it sadly
But still I'll stay happy,
So what's happening to me,
I just wanna be wanna be,
None other than mebefree!

And so there goes another chronicles of mebeFree!
A little complicated but nothing confusing.
Just the simple truth of me.
Thanks for dropping in!
Wishing you well and happiness.
And best of everything!