Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Relationship......

A relationship without terms and condition,
It is enthralled with envision,
Far more than any obligation,
Such is a relationship of expectations,
Or one that gets into oblivion.

A relationship bonded is mutual,
Maybe self beguiled without any essentials,,
A war space of blames and accusations,
Not to make this a field of battle,
A fight to claims of rights that entitle!

A relationship in space is unpredicted,
Unburdened and unindebted,
Not by any way to feel accepted,
Free and no demands of repayments,
Nor in any sort of comparisons!

A relationship that ties that but not stifle,
What it possess not but liberal,
Not wanting just sweet essentials,
Or any gifts of acceptance of any words,
Gratitude here may not be required!

A relationship that's pleasantry and flattery,
But what is needed is sincerity!
Envision it as easy and be free,
With sense of peace and simplicity,
Unsweetened words that comes naturally!

A relationship as plain as the natural water,
No need for remembrance to gather,
If it ever gets to become any sour,
Nor any expected apologies,
Momentarily ends as it turns nasty!

A relationship of bittersweet wrangles,
Be free with no strings to entangle,
Keep it hypocrisy-free without any trouble,
Flow free like the unending river,
That would forge on and on as it flows!

A relationship is self-renewing,
It is somewhat self purifying,
No hiding of unnecessary feelings,
No sense in having unwanted belongings,
Know what you are and what you're doing!

A relationship that is oneness without gaps,
The space here might turn to be a trap,
But it's another real world we get to adore,,
Friendship made here are not to bore,
A space that is of unwanted wars!

This has been an amended poem bLoGged at Life Journal some time last year.
And I'm sharing it with you. Hope you liked it! Thanks for your precious time!
Have a beautiful relationship!