Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our House

I wrote Our House @Y!360 earlier this year while I was all alone in depressed mode.
It seems the old song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Our House is a very very very fine house, with 2cats in the yard ....... is being reminisced here in my short poem!

Well, and so to say The House is a HOME.
But the HOME is NOT a HOUSE
then how is it to live on the LIFE we are to lead??

The House is the only place you know,
This only place is your HOME,
When you know that it's no longer there,
Blindly into the air you stare.
Surely you know it's somewhere out there,
But where?
Surely you would hunt,
But then it's NOT that fun.
You need to seek high and low,
To look for the forsaken LOVE,
That when you managed to find it,
Is it there forever for us to keep?

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