Saturday, August 21, 2010

The cries of Mother Earth

Disasters is catastropic yet we are still here breathing,
It's scary to know that the saving is much less than the killing,
Yet, the wars are still being fought with feuds unEnding,
Country has leaders with their greed and crave so frustrating!
The Earth core is cracking and we are still standing,
With all that sea polluting, the water level is arising,
What on Earth are scientists still a calling,
Out to the Galaxy, the convoys we are sending!
Constantly reminding Aliens that there are Earthlings,
Down here our weather are a changing,
We ain't gonna be a Changeling,
Are we really going out to space for a living?
Of all that's hopelessly happening,
Still many are on God's depending,
We not only need constant reminding,
At what limitations are we enduring?
But we should be doing something,
Everyday, every minute, every moment's doing,
We must go all out for the Greening,
Mostly about the gass omitting,
With words of wisdom I am whispering,
What I've said here ain't a ending,
I take my leave now with all my blessings!

This has been a bLoG I wrote early July 2010
on a stretch of non-stop raining

1 comment:

Abeth Betchokz said...

time flies fast, everything's changing..and so as mother earth, people keep on experimenting some are good ,some are bad, some are very harmful, some are very useful..sigh, hope people realizes we need to take care of our mother earth! keep green!